"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
The lives of Gen-Z are in the darkest place today due to worldly influence.
This influence comes through the form of music, TV, social media, and public figures. Millennial parents are also heavily impacted by this, which has formed a false view of success and worth. It is important that we use the avenues that carry impact in order to transform young lives.
To save youthful lives requires investment in their minds, bodies, and spirit. The TakeBack Youth division offers the development of gifts and talents allowing youth to discover their identity. To take back the Gen-Z is to take back the nation’s future.
You can be Holy and highly paid.
You can walk by faith in fashion.
You can be a rapper and be righteous.
You can be in Christ and represent culture.
Visual Arts
The TakeBack's Visual Art Program serves as a vibrant hub of creative expression, offering a platform to explore and manifest unique concepts across diverse realities. As a visual artist, your perception of the material and spiritual world reflects the unparalleled beauty and divine perspective in God's creation.
This program is dedicated to nurturing the wonder that resides within individuals who possess the vision to perceive, capacity to articulate, and the drive to evolve. Through strategic collaborations with leading production entities, The TakeBack is committed to honing and showcasing visual content that unlocks narratives, conveys messages, and presents imaginative depictions that inspire humanity.
If your artistic aspirations are rooted in channeling your creative gifts towards the magnificence of God, our visual art community stands ready to embrace your journey. This is a warm call to all creatives in the dynamic space of digital art forms, including branding, drawing, photography, videography, product design, game development, 3D and graphic design, animation, and filmmaking.
Performing Arts
The Take Back Kingdom Art of Performance serves as a sanctuary for cultivation of God-given talents, promoting the distinct and authentic nature of each individual's artistic expression. Through curriculums spanning diverse creative fields such as music, fashion, dance, film, writing, media and production, the program nurtures these innate abilities, highlighting their purpose in serving as vessels for the Kingdom.
Recognizing these endowments as vehicles for personal illumination, this program teaches participants to shine forth in their own unique brilliance. We emphasize the intrinsic connection between art and spiritual worship, and encourage the utilization of talents to be a form of reverence and honor for God.
We champion participants that express themselves in a manner that sets them apart from the world. This transformative initiative instills the values of using performance to showcase greatness under grace, in a way that is deeply and profoundly impactful.
Liberal Arts
The TakeBack’s Liberal Art sector introduces a transformative journey, blending liberal arts, education, and spiritual life. Our program empowers you not just to excel in your field but to become influential leaders with unwavering character, profound posture, and wisdom grounded in Kingdom principles. This goes beyond financial success, emphasizing the crucial ability to navigate life's complexities while being successful. You will discover the Lordship of Jesus in every facet of your life, discerning the world's laws, ideas, and movements.
Equip yourself with scriptural knowledge and the nature of the God to maintain awareness & advantage within the intricate landscapes of family, government, entertainment, media, and culture.
Our program is designed to cultivate not just professional prowess, but holistic leadership that honors Christ and influences the world.