The Takeback is a spirit-led assignment committed to passionately repossessing the identity, authority, and purpose of man. As a Kingdom-driven nonprofit, we are committed to men and women gifted in entertainment, culture, and marketplace industries. The Takeback ensures these industries align with and express God's will, bringing freedom, fulfillment, and destiny realignment. We exist to activate lights across music, entertainment & sports, media, arts, education, public administration of high influence, and governance through the empowerment of uncommon leaders. Our belief is that cultures worldwide will be transformed by Christ as these industries are reset for His glory and the nation's future.


Expressing God's love for humanity, The Takeback Corp will establish Kingdom leaders in entertainment, culture, and the marketplace through creative arts, developmental programs, and social engagements functioning actively in spirit and truth.


The TakeBack’s vision is to establish Kingdom identity in professional industries. TAKING BACK Heaven on earth’s inheritance with generational leadership. 


Imari Webster — “Royal V”, fearless visionary, artist, producer, serial entrepreneur, and a true product of God’s grace.

Growing up in Dallas, TX introduces a collection of culture. Many aspects of Dallas culture which she takes pride in today such as music, food, fashion, business, sports, and social life, all expressed with authenticity.

Imari discovered her passion for music and creative writing at the age of 14, which sparked her career as a recording artist. The insight of this gift compelled her to attend a university that would ensure the network, exposure, and education to establish her name in the entertainment industry.

With great honor, Imari is an alumna of the supreme of HBCUs, Prairie View A&M University receiving a BA in Mass Communication a minor in Sociology.

After college, Imari had an intense encounter with the Holy Spirit that transformed her life forever. She divorced conformity and surrendered to the mandate to follow Jesus Christ uniquely. This divine experience awakened her to the truth about her identity, God’s love, and His will for humanity.

Today, Imari is committed to raising uncommon leaders for the Kingdom of God, restoring hope to the brokenhearted, while equipping them for the landscape of life. Accepting the assignment to activate the light in industries of entertainment, culture, and the marketplace for the glory of God; THE TAKEBACK CORP lives and grows leaving an everlasting impact on humanity.

Message from the Founder & CEO

I passionately serve The TakeBack Corp as a covering leader spiritually and creatively until these industries reset!

“Your identity is your unique design that separates you from the rest of the world.”